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Update: City Prioritises Restoration Of Water Supply In The North

Date: 2024-02-09 13:24:18

Update: City Prioritises Restoration Of Water Supply In The North

The City’s technical teams continue to work tirelessly to restore water supply to areas in the north, who have been experiencing prolonged outages and intermittent water supply.

 This is due to reduced flow on the Northern Aqueduct, resulting in the interruption of water supply in areas that are supplied through this trunk main. This includes Verulam, Trenance Park, Phoenix, uMhlanga, Durban North and other areas in the north.

 Our teams are on the ground trouble shooting part of the 32-kilometre pipeline, replacing air valves, and scouring the pipeline to release air that may have caused blockages in the system.

 As various interventions are being implemented, water is being restored to some areas. We are aware that supply is on and off, which will occur while the City builds storage levels at reservoirs and fast tracks repairs on the pipeline.

The changeover from Reservoir 3 to Reservoir 2 at uMngeni-uThukela Water's Durban Heights Waterworks has been implemented in an effort to improve water supply.

To respond to the prolonged water supply challenges, the City increased the fleet of water tankers to the north to provide interim relief.

The City appeals to residents to be patient as water tankers are overstretched as there are many areas that are affected and are without water.

Municipal officials are also continuously updating ward councillors and other community structures in the affected areas by informing them of all planned interventions to improve the situation.

We understand the inconvenience caused by recurrent disruptions in water supply and want to assure residents that the restoration of water supply remains our top priority.

For more information regarding water supply, the public can download eThekwini Municipality’s Mobile App to log faults or send a WhatsApp to 073 148 3477. 

Alternatively, call the toll-free number on 080 311 1111 or email


Issued by eThekwini Municipality’s Communications Unit.