28 March 2019 NEWSFLASH FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Switch Off For Earth Hour EThekwini Municipality is calling on all communities to unite with millions of people around the world in the global Earth Hour campaign on Saturday, 30 March from 20h30 – 21h30. Communities are called upon to switch off their non-essential lights for an hour as a symbolic act of global unity, reflect on our actions and our impact on the environment, and make a renewed commitment to preserving our planet. Earth Hour aims to raise awareness on the impact of the use of fossil fuel and other human actions on climate change.
Earth Hour is not about how much energy is saved during the hour. Rather, it’s a chance to put the spotlight on the issues facing the planet and to inspire millions across the world to live more sustainably. The theme for 2019 is “Reduce, Reuse, Change The Way We Live”.
“There’s never been a more critical moment for the world to show solidarity for and a strong commitment to climate action,” said Mayor Zandile Gumede. “We cannot afford to ignore the critical environmental challenges we are facing. We need to switch over to more sustainable ways of living and doing business. Our individual actions have collective impact.”
Durban is an international frontrunner in the fight against climate change and is playing an active role in focusing on climate change response through various projects to mitigate and adapt to the challenges of climate change.
In line with its commitment to reduce carbon foot-print, the city launched its photo-voltaic (PV) project which has seen the installation of solar PV panels on five Municipal buildings.
The city has introduced energy saving efforts in municipal buildings, retrofitting lighting systems to make them more energy efficient, resulting in significant costs savings. Through the programme all of the traffic lights (robots) have been replaced from old incandescent bulbs to new “LED” lights. The Municipality has also used the funding for retrofitting street lighting around the city.
EThekwini’s roof top garden at 77 Monty Naicker Street, is also a haven for urban agriculture, showcasing recycling, renewable energy and other climate friendly solutions. This roof top garden is a must see for inspiration on going green. #connect2earth #Earthhour2019
Issued by EThekwini Municipality, Communications Unit. Spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela. For media enquiries contact 031 311 4820/1
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