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Re_Job Vacancy Learnership Scam Alert

Date: 2021-10-04 09:24:56

Re_Job Vacancy Learnership Scam Alert

18 January 2019
Re: Job Vacancy/ Learnership Scam Alert
The eThekwini Municipality would like to caution all job seekers and learnership candidates of an ongoing scam. The latter uses a Sizakala email that requests job seekers and those seeking learnerships to deposit monies and send their curriculum vitaes.
The matter is currently being investigated by the City Integrity and Investigations Unit. All Sizakala Customer Unit staff have been made aware of the scam.
Any member of the public who has any information or can assist in apprehending the culprits, are urged to report this illicit behaviour to the City Integrity and Investigations Unit on 0800 20 20 20.
The Head of Sizakala Customer Unit, Mavuso Tshabalala condemned such criminal activity and warns job seekers to not pay money to con artists who promise them jobs in the Municipality.
“All applicants are warned that the Municipality does not charge any fees for jobs. Any applicant who pays to secure a job is engaging in an unlawful act. They should report the scammer immediately,” said Mavuso.
Job seekers are requested to follow the correct procedures when applying for a job. Funded, approved vacancies are advertised every fortnight in the Municipality’s Staff Vacancy Circular. It is published in the Municipal publication - Metro eZasegagasini and on the municipal website.
Issued by the eThekwini Municipality’s Spokesperson, Msawakhe Mayisela. For media enquiries contact, 031 311 4820 / 060 966 4220
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