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Rates Rebate Renewal Period Open

Date: 2024-02-22 14:24:28

Rates Rebate Renewal Period Open

22 FEBRUARY 2024

EThekwini Municipality is pleased to announce the commencement of the rates rebate renewal period for eligible recipients. 

Renewal letters have been issued to all current beneficiaries, which must be completed, commissioned, and returned with the necessary supporting documentation before the deadline of 30 April 2024.
The rates rebate programme undergoes an annual review and approval process by the Municipality. 

To ensure uninterrupted receipt of the rebate for the 2024/25 financial year, applicants must sign the provided form in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths and submit it at their nearest Sizakala Centre. 

Alternatively, completed forms can be emailed to
Head of Revenue Management Lihle Ndzelu provided important reminders for all applicants:
1. No charge: There is no cost associated with submitting these forms.
2. No home visits: Municipal employees will not conduct home visits as part of this process.
3. Deadline alert: Applicants who fail to respond by 30 April 2024, risk the lapse of their rebates on 30 June 2024, necessitating reapplication.
Ndzelu also emphasised that rebates are designated for senior citizens, persons who are medically boarded, individuals with disabilities and child-headed households.

For more information call 080 311 1111.


Issued by eThekwini Municipality’s Communication Unit.