13 August 2019 For Immediate Release New Outdoor Advertising By-Law Comes Into Effect EThekwini Municipality has promulgated a new Outdoor Advertising By-law which states that no person may display an outdoor advertising sign or alter an existing sign without a permit issued by the Municipality. This by-law came into effect in July.
According to the By-law, an outdoor advertising sign may only be displayed or altered in accordance with the conditions imposed in terms of the Municipality’s permit, this By-law and any other applicable law.
This By-law aims to regulate outdoor advertising on Municipal property and private property, to ensure the health and safety of the public and to protect the urban realm and environment.
The by-law applies to all types of signs such as billboards, ground signs, flat signs, projecting signs, roof signs, sky signs, veranda, balcony, canopy and under-awning signs, posters, banners and flags, aerial advertisements, murals, advertising vehicles, estate agents boards and contractor’s boards, to name a few.
Any person who wishes to display an outdoor advertising sign or alter an existing sign, other than an exempted advertising sign, must make a written application to the Municipality for a permit to display or alter the sign.
The By-law states that every application must include the written consent of the owner of the premises on which the outdoor advertising sign is to be displayed, as well as the owner’s written undertaking to be bound by this By-law and to indemnify the Municipality in the event of non-compliance with this By-law.
Failure to comply with a lawful request by an authorised official in accordance with the provisions of this By-law constitutes a contravention of this By-law, and any person convicted of an offence under this Bylaw is liable to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding 20 year or both such a fine and imprisonment.
For more information, the By-law is obtainable on
www.durban.gov.za. The general advertising department may be contacted on 031 3117055 for permission to put up a sign and for more information on the requirements.
Issued by the eThekwini Municipality’s Spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela.
For more information contact 031 311 4820/18