Date: 2021-10-04 09:02:47
Media Invite_Rampant Crime Gripping Society to Come Under Spotlight
20 FEBRUARY 2019
Media Invite: Rampant Crime Gripping Society to Come Under Spotlight
The eThekwini Municipality invites media to attend a breakfast seminar aimed at eradicating space for criminals. The seminar that will deliberate on Advancing Safety For All, ‘Foundation For Liveable, Caring And Developmental Local Government’, is informed by the global sustainable development agenda in the form of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that draws the attention of the world to safety issues. They also echo the call to local government, working together with strategic partners, to fully exercise is complementary role of promoting safety for all through its own cardinal mandate of service delivery.
Cities have observed increased levels of crime in different categories, this has resulted in many communities living in fear of being victims of crime.
For a city that is on a relentless campaign to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), it is of paramount importance that crime is tackled head on.
Among others the seminar aims to drastically improve the rule of law as the key pillar of safety for all, share lessons on emerging themes for 21st Century Policing and agree on strategic and aggressive safety and security actions for eThekwini Municipality and partners.
Details of the seminar is as follows:
Date : 21 February 2019
Venue : Inkosi Albert Luthuli Internatinal Convention Centre
Time : 07h30 – 10h30
Issued by EThekwini Municipality, Communications Unit. Spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela. For media enquiries contact 031 311 4820/1