Date: 2021-10-04 06:14:49
Mayor Kaunda Launches Durban Climate Action Plan
Mayor Kaunda Launches Durban Climate Action Plan
All spheres of the society need to be actively involved in ensuring that the goals outlined in the Durban Climate Change Action Plan (CAP) are achieved, said eThekwini Mayor Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda at the launch event of the plan on 3 September at the iNkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre.
Through its partnership with the C40 Leadership Group, Durban officially became the first city on the African continent and one of only 12 cities in the world to develop and adopt a Climate Action Plan which is aligned to the United Nations 2015 Paris Agreement.
It comprises nine themes namely; energy, transport, water and flooding, waste, biodiversity, food security, health, sea level rise and vulnerable communities.
The plan will serve as a pathway for Durban to achieve its 2050 vision for a sustainable, carbon neutral and climate resilient City and to achieve this, medium and long-term goals have been set.
Medium term goals include having 40% of electricity being supplied by renewable energy, increasing alternative water supply capacity by 100%, having 55% of passengers using public and non-motorised transport and a 50% diversion from landfill.
Long-term goals which the Municipality aims to achieve by 2050 include 100% of energy being supplied by renewable energy, 100% increase of alternative water supply capacity, 70% of passengers using public and nonmotorized transport, compliance with the WHO air quality standards as well as 90% diversion from landfill.
Mayor Kaunda, who is also the C40 Vice-Chair for the African region said Durban has prioritised bold, transformative actions in the electricity and transport sectors, while aiming to promote affordable, clean energy and transportation for the poor and previously disadvantaged communities.
“Durban, as a signatory of the Inclusive Climate Action Declaration, will ensure that it eradicates poverty and increase inclusiveness in its communities. It is important to note that our plan recognises that the City cannot achieve these targets alone and will rely on establishing strong social compacts between government, labour, business and civil society,” said Mayor Kaunda.
Key milestones including the establishment of the Energy Office, the Climate Protection Branch, the Durban Climate Change Strategy and the Climate Change Technical Task Team, have already been made by the City in response to climate change over the years.
The CAP launch follows hard on the heels of the Cabinet approval of the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.
As further commitment to climate change action, there was a launch of a boom installed in the Umhlangane Riverine in Springfield which will be instrumental in the reduction of floods and accumulation of waste at the harbour and Durban beaches.
The pepper-bark tree was also planted at the Gugu Dlamini Park in celebration of Arbor Week and also the title of being the greenest city in the world bestowed on Durban by the first Husqvarna Urban Green Space Index in 2019.
Issued by the Communication’s Office. For more information, kindly contact Municipal Spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela on 060 966 4220.