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Governance and Human Resources Committee Recommendations

Date: 2021-10-04 09:06:24

Governance and Human Resources Committee Recommendations

For immediate release
14 February 2019
Governance and Human Resources Committee Recommendations
EThekwini Municipality’s Governance and Human Resources Committee, chaired by Councillor Barbara Fortein held its monthly meeting on 13 February, at the Durban City Hall. The following items were supported and recommended to the Executive Committee for approval (includes but not limited to);
In line with the key priorities of the City’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) to empower and inspire young people to take mathematics seriously, the Committee approved the hosting of the International Mathematics competition to be held in August.
About 600 children from 35 countries from around the world will descend on Durban to compete in the International Mathematics Completion. A team of officials from various stakeholders are hard at work with all the logistics.
Hosting the competition will support mathematics educators from previously disadvantaged primary schools and aid the development of mathematics in rural and disadvantaged areas.
Chairperson of the Government and Human Resources Committee, Barbara Fortein said the competition will promote the City as a top international tourism destination and country as a whole.
“A mathematically proffient population will contribute to the country’s economic prosperity. We want to create an academic atmosphere to motivate educators and learners to improve teaching and learning of mathematics with emphasis on developing a higher order of thinking skills,” said Fortein.
Alluding to the new growth path she said the City encourages accelerated efforts in ensuring that the skills base of youth is raised through education and training programmes. She said the completion will assist to establish international cooperation in the field of teaching and learning of mathematics.
She said they want to significantly increase access to employment opportunities to youth, school leavers, job seekers and tertiary students.
The Committee approved a 5% tariff increase for booking and utilisation of City Hall and Committee Rooms at various Sizakala Customer Centre Buildings. This will come into effect from 1 July 2019. The tariff increase would be implemented following the Council’s resolution for the meeting which was held on 27 May 2015.
Issued by the eThekwini Municipality’s Acting Head of Communications, Mandla Nsele.
For media enquiries, contact the Municipality’ Spokesperson, Msawakhe Mayisela on 031 311 4820
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