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EThekwini Municipality Notes Court Papers Filed By The Da On The Passing Of City’s Budget

Date: 2021-10-04 10:59:12

EThekwini Municipality Notes Court Papers Filed By The Da On The Passing Of City’s Budget

15 JUNE 2020
EThekwini Municipality Notes Court Papers Filed By The Da On The Passing Of City’s Budget
EThekwini Municipality has noted the court papers filed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) against the Municipality in relation to budgetary process and adoption for the 2020/21 financial year budget.
The DA is challenging the constitutionality of the Council meeting held on 29 May 2020 and are wanting the Municipality to hold a new budget adoption Council meeting.
The eThekwini Municipality has studied the papers together with an appointed senior legal team. Response will be tabled in court on Wednesday, 17 June 2020.
The City is confident that all processes and procedures as per legislation have been adhered to and the court ruling will be in favour of the City based on the merits of our case.
The budgetary process reflects the key policy decisions, priorities, determines rates increases and indicates where money will be spent on programmes and services. As a local government, that is at the coalface of providing service deliver, any delays in budget approval will impact on service delivery.
We would also like to commend all political parties who participated in the budget meeting and voted in support of the budget. Their action was in the interest of our residents.
Issued by Mayor of eThekwini Municipality, Cllr Mxolisi Kaunda.
For media enquiries contact Mayoral Spokesman Mluleki