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EThekwini District Aids Council Quarter 2 And 3 Report of 2018_19

Date: 2021-10-04 08:51:54

EThekwini District Aids Council Quarter 2 And 3 Report of 2018_19

For Immediate Release
06 March 2019
EThekwini District Aids Council Quarter 2 And 3 Report of 2018/19
ETHEKWINI Municipality District AIDS Council, chaired by Mayor Councillor Zandile Gumede held its monthly sitting on 05 March 2019, at the Durban City Hall.
In her capacity as the Chairperson of the District Aids Council Mayor Gumede presented the eThekwini District AIDS Council Quarter 2 and Quarter 3 of 2018/19 report. The District Council on AIDS is the coordinating body of the HIV&AIDS, STI and TB response in the eThekwini District. The report projected the great strides that has been made by the district in the fight against the epidemic in Quarter 2 and 3 of 2018/19. The report is as follows;
The target for number of HIV tests conducted was achieved, with gradual increase from 280 512 in Quarter 1 and 312 057 in Quarter 2 and 330 191 in Quarter 3 of 2018/19. However the positivity yield was 6% below the 9% target.
Councillor Gumede said that the Municipality and Civil Society Organisations are working very hard to meet or to even surpass the set target of 9% in the next quarter.
“We have put together a very bold and a progressive plan of action that will see us increase focus of HIV Testing Services on densely populated areas that are highly burdened with HIV and TB. This will also include increasing screening and testing in the informal settlements. We also believe that by increasing implementation of extended after hours and weekend services to target males in Primary Health Care facilities will work to our advantage,” said Gumede.
Condom Distribution
The condom distribution is below target of 17 721 706 in all the quarters. However female condom distribution was above the target of 398 095, in Quarter two alone, 707 040 female condoms were distributed.
Even though female condom distribution decreased to 465 173 and in Quarter 3 but it was still above the target. The male condom distribution remained below the target of 17 323 611, in Quarter two 13 377 892 male condoms were distributed and in Quarter three there were 14 521965 condoms that were distributed.
Gumede said that it was comforting to see that more women are warming up to the idea of using female condoms.
“In order to meet the target of condom distribution we have since realised that we need to increase and monitor distribution of condoms at secondary outlets. It also important that we do stock management and accurate reporting by close monitoring of the Logistic Management Information Systems,” she explained.
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
The Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision target was achieved in quarter two where 16 246 males were circumcised with a decrease to 8870 (56%) in quarter three. Quarter two was a winter season with a good uptake.
The Summary of the eThekwini District AIDS Council achievements in Q2 and Q3 are as follows;
• Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision target were met in quarter two 104% (16 246)
• First Antenatal before 20 weeks remained above target in all the quarters.
• Both viral load completion rate is at 12 months and VL suppression rate at 12 months is above 90% in both quarter 2 and 3
• Improvement in the Adolescent Youth Friendly Services, currently there are 100 clinics implementing AYFS in the district.
Issued by eThekwini Municipality Acting Head of Communication, Mandla Nsele.
For media enquiries contact Municipal Spokesman, Msawakhe Mayisela on 031 311 4820
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