City denounces torching of Sizakala centre in Lamontville
Date: 2021-10-04 10:42:50
City denounces torching of Sizakala centre in Lamontville
20 July 2020
The eThekwini Municipality condemns with the contempt it deserves the burning of its Sizakala Centre and 6 state vehicles in Lamontville today. The incident happened this morning while a service delivery protests was underway in a nearby informal settlement. Residents are demanding among others, electricity infrastructure after experiencing a power outage following being disconnected by residents in formal housing settlement.
This after the transformer burst as a result of illegal connections and it has since been replaced. The informal settlement is situated under power lines and on invaded land belonging to the provincial government. As a result, the city is hamstrung to roll out infrastructure. EThekwini Mayor, Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda, has condemned the incident and called on law enforcement agencies to find those implicated in the destruction of state property.
“While we respect the right of the people to embark on peaceful protests, we view this latest incident in a very serious light. In fact, this is anarchy. How do you demand electricity and destroy state property that is of help to the community? This is treason as far as we are concerned and there is no amount of grievances that would justify this inhumane behaviour. Those responsible must face the full might of the law, nothing else,” said Kaunda.
The offices were home to among others, SASSA and a clinic belonging to the provincial government.
“Our people more especially the elderly are now going to endure spending money traveling long distance to access these services that were on their door steps. We are back to square one and where is the money going to come from to repair these offices. The city is plagued with land invasions and that is a recipe for illegal electricity and water connections. As a result, our electricity transformers become overburdened and then malfunction.
Nevertheless, our electricians are on the ground and have restored power in all areas that have been affected by this unlawful conduct. The city with limited resources is trying its level best to roll out these basic services. To date we have electrified more than 500 informal settlements while we are gradually moving them to formal housing. Yes, it is a moving target but we will never stop while all odds stack against us” said Kaunda.
He calls on residents to refrain from embarking on violent service delivery protests in the event they have grievances, instead he says, there must be dialogue.