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Beware Of Fraudulent Letters of Appointment

Date: 2021-10-04 08:34:25

Beware Of Fraudulent Letters of Appointment

28 March 2019
Beware Of Fraudulent Letters of Appointment
The City Integrity and Investigations Unit is cautioning service providers of fraudulent letters of appointment bearing the eThekwini Municipality logo. In some instances, letters are being received when the service provider did not tender a bid. Awardees are asked to pay a surety bond in the fraudulent letter. This money is then received by the fraudster. The city calls on service providers to ensure that any surety bonds are paid into the relevant municipal account.
The City follows a strict SCM process in accordance with the Municipal Finance Management Act when procuring goods and services. Anyone receiving a letter of award must look out for things such as suspicious contact numbers, incorrect letterheads. To confirm any tender or award contact the Supply Chain Management Unit.
The City would like to reiterate its commitment towards combating fraud and corruption and sends a strong message to business community to work together with the city in ending this scourge.
Should anyone encounter illegal activity such as fraud, bribery, maladministration, human rights violations, discrimination, racism, please report it to the City Integrity and Investigation Unit on 0800 202020 immediately. All reports are treated confidentially.
Issued by EThekwini Municipality, Communications Unit. Spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela. For media enquiries contact 031 311 4820/18
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