Housing Typologies Study This study was initiated by the eThekwini Municipality’s Architecture Department to develop housing typologies for new subsidised housing projects as well as the upgrading of informal settlements within the municipality. The study integrates town planning, urban design and architecture components with the intention of optimising both the quality and sustainability of resultant living environments. Despite the delivery of well over 2 million housing units by government since 1994, the dominant typology continues to be detached, single family homes on larger freehold sites. Increasing pressure on urban land, demands for optimising existing service infrastructure, and the negative socio-economic implications of developing on the urban periphery, have necessitated a review of the location and desired densities of housing settlements. This study and development of affordable housing typologies applicable to local conditions (topography, climate, technologies and finance) aims to assist in meeting the urban housing challenge with greater authority, efficiency and understanding. HOUSING TYPOLOGY STUDY (PDF) Precedent Study and Bibliography - Click for file - Key issues to inform the design brief
- Bibliography and synopsis of relevant literature
- Review of case studies
- Findings to off-set negative trends
Overview of Potential Pilot Project Areas - Click for file - Area / infrastructure audit
- Site analyses (typical eThekwini Conditions)
- Readiness for development and implications for typology selection
Building the Principles - Click for file - Guiding principles for house design and urban layouts
Matrix of Typologies - Click for file - Summary of housing typologies
- Final housing typology designs
- Costings
Construction Considerations - Click for file - Density and topographical considerations
- Materials and minimum quality level considerations
- Servicing and sustainability considerations
Costing (format MS Excel) Materials Assessment (format MS Excel) Sustainability Design Reports (format pdf) Housing Typology Matrix (format MS Excel) Housing Typology Designs (format AutoCAD) Disclaimer: The eThekwini Municipality will not be held responsible for any changes, omissions or inaccuracies contained herein which may result in unforeseen expense, injury or other misfortune. |