The application process has been designed as such so that we may engage and exchange the relevant information pertaining to the connection of your generation system to the grid. The process is primarily administered via electronic documents for your convenience. For further guidelines on the application process, please click here.
The residential embedded generator applicant shall follow the necessary steps as detailed below:
Step 1
You will require a computer and an internet connection to gain access to the relevant online application forms. Download and read through the guideline document for residential embedded generation. You may access this document [here].
Step 2
The successful completion and submission of this form will initiate your application process
Step 3
The purpose of this form is to formally request for the connection of your SSEG system to the grid, bi-directional metering and a tariff change to the embedded generation tariff structure (Scale 15). Three requests are captured via this application. The capturing of this form onto our system will generate a unique reference number, i.e. an “E” number. This will be used to track your application throughout the process. Upon capturing your form, this reference number will be forwarded to you.
Forms should be completed in full and signed prior to submission
Step 4
Email forms to together with all supporting documentation and attachments as specified in the application form. Do not submit incomplete application forms or application forms that have not been signed. Do not submit unnecessary data sheets and generic product information. Make sure all the RELEVANT supporting documents are submitted
Step 5
EThekwini Electricity’s Planning Department shall perform a desktop network study on the technical feasibility of the residential embedded generator connecting to the grid. The application may be approved in cases where the simplified connection criteria (as detailed in NRS 097-2-3) are met. The approval may be accompanied by applicable fees. Applicable fees may be raised for meter costs, additional network strengthening, etc. A proforma invoice will be sent to you detailing the amount due and payment options. This will also serve as confirmation to connect to the grid, subject to the terms and conditions.
Your written approval to connect will be confirmed via the pro-forma invoice
Step 6
If the simplified connection criteria is not met, then a detailed network study will be required. To enable a detailed network study, eThekwini Municipality shall provide a standard design quotation to the applicant.
On receipt of the requisite payment, a detailed network study will be conducted. Subsequently, the results of such a study will detail the terms and conditions under which the connection may commence. Additional fees may apply.
Make sure you submit your Certificate of Compliance (CoC) to the Municipality
Step 7
On approval of the PV application, the installation and testing of the SSEG system shall be conducted and the installer shall issue a Certificate of Compliance to the applicant and the Municipality (Quote the relevant “E” number). The Municipality shall be informed of the completion of the SSEG installation.
Step 8
Complete the “COMMISSIONING REPORT FOR EMBEDDED GENERATION” form in full. To download the guidelines to complete this form, click here.
This form must then be signed by a registered Pr. Eng. or Pr. Tech and emailed to EThekwini Municipality may request to be present to witness the testing and commissioning. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has approved an interim tariff structure to allow for limited credits to be given in such instances where power is exported onto the grid. This has created a mechanism to promote small scale embedded generation at a local level. We are expecting a national framework to be finalized in the near future. The principles of which will override the current framework. The current processes and remuneration mechanism will be aligned accordingly where necessary.
- Any modification to the system that deviates from the approved application shall undergo a new application process.
- Upon payment of the relevant fee (if any) and receipt of your signed commission form, the Municipality will trigger the process to have your meter retrofitted and tariff amended.
- Every connection to the grid must undergo an application and approval process irrespective if similar installations have been previously approved.
- Once your meter has been installed and tariff changed, the offsets between import and export energy will occur automatically via the account billing system as per the embedded generation tariff structure (Scale 15).
- All commissioning documentation as requested shall be submitted for record and filing purposes. Until the application is approved, the applicant shall not connect the PV system to the grid under any circumstances.
- The customer must allow Municipal staff access to the generation system for the purpose of compliance testing and monitoring.