What is Catchment Management? Catchment management aims to effectively and efficiently manage naturally occurring water within catchment areas by managing or accounting for all aspects of the hydrological cycle. (A catchment is the area or region which 'catches' the rainfall runoff flows with reference to a point on a river or drainage system.) Catchment management also aims to achieve a balance between resource protection and resource utilization. How do we aim to manage our catchments? The Catchment Management section of the Coastal, Stormwater and Catchment Management (CSCM) Department follows a sustainable and holistic approach to catchment management which includes:
- We work towards promoting engineering “best practice” standards that enhances flood control functions as well as ecosystem functionality. The installation of gabion baskets is one such example. Gabion baskets not only stabilises the river embankment and prevents damage to property and infrastructure but also protects against erosion and offers an opportunity for ground cover vegetation to re-establish.
- All flood attenuation facilities shall be designed in accordance with the following criteria:
- Preparation of floodlines serves as a tool for planning and management of flood impacts. It allows for developments along rivers and within the 1:100yr floodline to be managed. In complying with the National Water Act (Act No 36 of 1998), the eThekwini Municipality requires that all new developments, or extensions to the existing properties, provide information relating to the 50yr and 100yr flood. This includes the requirement that the 100 year floodline be indicated on plans for new township developments.
- CSCM recognizes the importance of communities in catchment management in particular with regards to stormwater systems and rivers. As part of our holistic approach to catchment management, the Catchment Management section will:
- Investigating and addressing stormwater complaints such as erosion and flooding. Coastal, Stormwater & Catchment Management Room 527 4001 Manager: Mr. Geoff Tooley |